Polar Star, Tomato
Developed by John Holm in Fairbanks, Alaska, Polar Star is a cold-tolerant, open-pollinated, determinate variety known for its 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 inch, robust fruits. Mounding 24-30 inches tall, it sets blossoms early and yields abundant, solid, flavorful, bright red, slightly pointed tomatoes even in 40°F temperatures. Ideal for Alaska and cooler container gardens, Polar Star is an excellent choice for home gardens. Sow 8-10 weeks prior to the last frost. Matures in 65 days. Solanum lycopersicum. Open Pollinated.
Pkt Size/Seeds
~25+ Seeds
~50+ Seeds
•(Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
•Annual Crop
•USA-Grown Seeds
•Square Foot Garden Spacing; 1 plant per 2 sq ft
•USDA Zones: 3-12